Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
12th Lok Sabha
Father's Name Lt. Col. T.S. Anand
Date of Birth 26 August 1956
Place of Birth New Delhi
Marital Status Widow (Married on 29 September 1974)
Spouse's Name Late Shri Sanjay Gandhi
Children One son
Educational Qualifications
Educated at Lawrence School, Sanawar
(Himachal Pradesh)
Writer, Animal Activist and Environmentalist
Permanent Address
A-4, Maharani Bagh,
New Delhi-110065.
Tel. (011) 6840402
Fax. (011) 6823144
Positions Held
1988-89 General-Secretary, Janata Dal (J.D.)
1989 Elected to 9th Lok Sabha
1989-91 Union Minister of State, Environment
and Forests
Jan.-April Union Minister of State, Programme Implementation
1996 Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
1996-97 Member, Committee on Science and Technology,
Environment and Forests
1998 Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (3rd term)
19 March 1998 Union Minister of State, Social Justice and
onwards Empowerment
Books Published
(i) Sanjay Gandhi, (ii) Stories for Children;
(iii) 1001 Animal Quiz, (iv) Penguin Book of Hindu Names;
(v) Complete Book of Parsi and Muslim Names;
(vi) Brahmas Hair, (vii) Heads and Tails;
(viii) Animal Laws of India; and (ix) First Aid for
Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments
Publisher/author of etymological directories; Plant
Mythology; Animal activism and laws; Editor of political
monthly magazine, Surya, 1976-80; widely read columnist
writing on animal welfare and environment; creator and
presenter of weekly T.V. shows on animals and environment
in English and Hindi
Social and Cultural Activities
Founder Member, People for Animals; Patron, Worldwide
Fund for Nature (WWF); Chairperson, RUGMARK and Delhi
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (DSPCA);
Managing-Trustee, Ruth Cowell Foundation (animal care
shelter and hospital)
Special Interests
Writing, animal welfare, environmental protection and the
study of law
Favourite Pastime and Recreation
Reading and gardening
Countries Visited
Widely travelled
Other Information
Recipient of the prestigious (i) Lord Erskine Award from
the RSPCA; (ii) Prani Mitra Award, 1996; (iii)
Maharana Mewar Foundation Award 1996 for Environmental
work; Environmentalist and Vegetarian of the year 1994;
Delivered the Schumacher Address in U.K., 1995; and Key-note
Speaker at the National Alliance for Animals in Washington,
Election Result of
Pilibhit Lok Sabha Constituency
Total electorate 11,31,278
Total votes polled 7,04,849
Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates
(1) Smt. Maneka Gandhi (Ind.) 3,90,381
(2) Shri Anis Khan (B.S.P.) 1,78,505
(3) Shri Parshuram (S.P.) 91,177
(4) Shri Roop Kishor (I.N.C.) 10,922
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